Our P-TECH Commitment

Recognizing that a college degree is essential for success in the 21st century economy, P-TECH 9-14 schools aim to provide every student with a pathway to an industry-recognized associate degree.
Students and teachers are aware of the academic and personal standards needed to succeed in college, and college coursework is thoughtfully integrated throughout the six-year program. In addition, it is free to students and families.
Redesigned High School Experience
While P-TECH 9-14 schools offer a seamless and integrated six-year experience, the redesign of the high school program goes well beyond the length of the program. The model restructures nearly every aspect of schooling, including curriculum, instructional practices, faculty roles, support structures, the daily/weekly schedule, and long-term goals for students.
Diverse Student Body
P-TECH 9-14 schools are purposely open to all students, including young people from low-income families, first-generation college students, English language learners, students with disabilities, and students of color. The school partners recognize that students will arrive with widely varying skill levels and experiences. As such, they work specifically to create support systems that help all students achieve their long-term goals.
We are a proud CUNY Early College Initiative partnership school offering specialized enrollment support, for interested students, into our subsidized 2-year A.A.S. degree extension program in Architectural Technology, Civil Engineering Technology and Construction Management at CUNY Tech and help those “13th-14th grade” students with the transfer process after completing their degree.